How to Overcome Phobias With Hypnosis

How to Overcome Phobias With Hypnosis

A phobia is simply a fear. However, the fear is so severe that it often hinders normal activities, such as flying, swimming, going outside, talking in front of others or going to the dentist. You can overcome any of these phobias and more with hypnosis.


Open your mind to hypnosis. It is a proven technique that uses relaxation and suggestion to bypass the critical thinking of the mind. Studies show that hypnotherapy can have amazing effects when you and your therapist work together to overcome a fear.


Find a therapist who you are comfortable working with. While hypnotherapy is recognized by the AMA, it does not require FDA approval, so not all therapists are licensed. Select one you trust.


Make an appointment with a hypnosis practitioner. The practitioner will walk you through some relaxation techniques and ask you to talk about your fears. It might involve some mind exercises or visualization techniques.


Get ready for change. Hypnotherapy can overcome many phobias including the fear of: pets, people, flying, public speaking, dentists, flying, heights, open spaces, germs, water or even death.


Know that it might take a while to get over the phobia. Although some practitioners have reported results in as little as three hours, it could take several sessions depending on your phobia.

Tips & Warnings

Some practitioners offer services over the phone. If your fear is excessive, this might be a good way to start.